A 9F hauls a freight train across the Headstone Viaduct towards Millers Dale on the Peaks and Dales line in October 1963.Image courtesy of Colin Boocock, C.Eng., F.I.Mech.E.

Peaks and Dales Railway
submits its Application to Round 3 of the Restoring Your Railway ‘Ideas Fund’

5th March 2021

The project team at Peaks and Dales Railway, supported by MEMRAP, has prepared and submitted a Round 3 'Ideas Fund' application form. This follows two constructive meetings with the Department for Transport Restoring Your Railway team in February attended by Network Rail - the first, attended by three of our sponsoring/supporting MPs and the second, by Transport for the North. Our Lead Sponsor, Robert Largan MP, also had a meeting with the Rail Minister, Chris Heaton-Harris MP.

We understand that 85 applications were made to Round 3 and that results should be announced in 'early summer'.

We were pleased to receive letters of support from Robert Largan MP and Jane Hunt MP, Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council and Charnwood Borough Council, in addition to letters of support from East Midlands Railway and Northern Trains. Our application also includes letters of support from individuals and organisations local to the Peaks and Dales line, and we are most grateful to all who contributed to our application.

Please click here for more information

Please check out MEMRAP’s new website and why not support the campaign to reinstate the Peaks and Dales line by becoming a member of MEMRAP?

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If you haven’t already, please also sign the petition calling for the reinstatement of the Peaks and Dales line!